I know what your thinking I've been gone long enough, right? Well, today the girls finally went back to school! So I guess it's time I stop ditching the house work and blogging, seeing how now I have no excuses. Besides laying out by a pool watching my imaginary children would just be plain weird. I just have to face it, play time is over and it's time to go back to our normal routine. Which I have to say was a hard pill to swallow, when the alarm was going off, at the the butt crack of dawn this morning! I don't know if it was all the anxiety about the girls going to school , the full moon or what , but I got No sleep. I tossed and turned all night going over everything in my head. What all I need to do, should have done, or didn't get to do rassled through my brain over and over. I think this morning I was more nervous then they were, about their new school. I gave them more instructions then they can comprehend in a month. The basic who, what, when and where's...
Who they should and shouldn't talk to.
What they should and shouldn't do, say, or act like.
When they should, shouldn't, can and can't.
Where they should, shouldn't, can and can't.....
By the time we were in the car, any and all fears they may have had about school quickly disappeared. They both agreed they knew exactly where to go and tried to convince me my assistance getting them to their classes, was unnecessary. After lots of questioning them about their fears from the night before, when visiting their classes, they announced I would be embarrassing. Embarrassing? What? So that's how it's gonna be, huh? Reluctant they let me walk them in regardless. Well, not really it was more like they let me follow them in. I toted Jacob as they ran off down the hall and left me in their dust trail. Once I caught up to them, I didn't see a single forth or second grader noticed me, but I kept all hugs and kisses to a minimum. You know not to Embarrass anyone or anything! It was clear when their was no eye contact and a shoulder shrug that it was my time to go.
So now I am left with a less quieter house, with plenty to do and no idea where to begin. Here I spent days waiting for this moment and here I sit like a lost puppy. A rejected lost puppy that is!