Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The Ransom Note

Dear Little girls,

Can't find your missing toys? Look no further for it's probably gone! Because my threats of sending you to summer school have failed. I have taken hostage a sack full of miscellaneous toys. It may contain some of your prized possessions or ones you don't even miss. Not to worry I will take good care of them as long as you cooperate. You must comply with the following demands or you will never see your little pretties again. I want all fighting and bickering to stop! No more yelling and tattling about who has or done what. I don't want to see battle scars and evidence to plead your case. I will not let it ruin our summer with loosing privileges and fun. So, stopping the whinnying and stomping is a must! Until then you can sit and think of poor Barbie and a few other Bratz somewhere in the middle of the bag, desperately praying to avoid the trash. Now, you have 24 hrs. to do a complete attitude overhaul or your precious little Barbie's coming back in pieces. The rest of the toys will be dumped at the local salvation army, to good little children with no toys. You just thought you couldn't share. Think what fun those kids will have playing with your toys!

Love, Mom


  1. Genius! Think I may employ a bit of Mafia-oso Mama myself.

    We HAVE done the in-store "Want that new toy? We'll get it as soon as you tell me three items that aren't HappyMeal toys that you will give to kids who don't have as much as you do when we get home." Amazing how they can decide how badly they do or don't want an item. Love your behavioral spin on the "toys are a privilege, not a right" mantra I've been chanting as late!

    Hysterically composed, and wishing you a rapid return to the Land of the Behaviorally Appropriate. :)

  2. Good luck! I love it though. I have heard so many mom's either throw away toys (or donate) because kids don't want to pick them up. Someday they will learn!

  3. I've been on the verge of gathering up my kids toys and making them thank they have been tossed but I like the hostage idea a little better.

    Alos great idea from Cherly large about giving up one for a new one.

    Good Luck with the kiddies.

  4. I couldn't help but laugh out loud. I remember those days with my daughter.....

  5. As kids we earned "Happy Bucks", just play money that we got for various chores/being well behaved, etc. There was a treat box that had new toys/goodies/etc that we could buy. However. If our toys were left laying out, they would be confiscated and we would have to buy them back. Anything left longer than 30 days got donated to good will! Sounds like you have the right idea . . . good luck!

  6. WOW, and it is only the first week of July!

  7. You ROCK!!! Hey, it worked for me when I was younger...although it back fired with my little brother. He was happy playing with a stick and a rock after mom cleared out his toys! :)

    Good luck!!!! Let us know how the bickering turns out!

  8. You go girl!! I hope Barbie's hair isn't tangled around Bratz foot. But I'm sure some little girl with no toys will take them, and love them to death! I hope it works out!

  9. I did it with my kids and I called it "The Black Bag". They would say "Not The Black Bag". I would put all of the toys that weren't picked up and put them in the large black plastic bag and I said I was going to throw them out! I really put them in the garage for awhile and brought them back out when they listened and cleaned up their toys.

    To this day they remember "The Black Bag"

  10. That is awesome! LOL!! Too funny!

  11. haha! 24 hrs. for a complete attitude overhaul? good luck with that! I'm thinking you're going to be taking that trip to the local salvation army ;)

  12. I hope you got some of the prized possessions.

  13. Amazing! I do this all the time with my children but it doesn't seem to help their attitudes sometimes. Those are the days when I realized my girls have way too many toys and this Christmas, they get nothing but cardboard boxes.

  14. Great ransom note. I hope this works for you.

  15. I say put the girls in the bag and drop them off somewhere ... Barbies know how to keep there mouths shut and they usually clean up real nice.

  16. Thank you so much for the idea! I will now copy and paste it in magazine print with no signature; for the future you know.

  17. OMG I love this! I'm gonna do it! May I copy your ransom note and adjust for hotwheels and yu-gi-oh cards? Oh joy! LOL thank you for the big smile....


Girls could you PLEASE give our guest some space. Take your brother and go play. Sorry,it's hectic here, what were you saying?"...

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