Thursday, January 10, 2008

A Mom's Paycheck

For all you moms out there that always wonder which bubble to fill in under occupation for surveys.
For those of you like me who failed to see a time clock next to the alarm this morning.
I have some food for thought for you to ponder on for the next time someone asks you what you do. You can think about what you should be getting paid as a MOM.
I think every mom who stays at home misses the recognition for all she does all day everyday, from time to time.

I'll let you figure based on my small compiled list of a fraction of what a mom does, what your pay check should be if you actually got one.

I'm sure you can take a portion of these figures with all you do.

These are based on full time averages of wages from one set of statistics.

Driver/ Chauffeur gets ................................................................$825.00 wk.

Think of all that driving to and from school. After school activities ect...


An average family has three meals a day. There's lunchboxes and snacks to prepare. Sometimes your a short order cook. Think of when you've prepared dinner and then one child decides they don't like it. Your up and cooking again. Never mind your also the waiter and dishwasher.

Childcare caretakers............................................................................$499.wk

And to think that's a worker who actually clocks out and has breaks at a 8-5 job. I don't know of any daycare that gives baths do you? What about all those sleepless nights.


I have balanced my checkbook and taken care of enough bill to qualify for some of that!


How many times are you stuck on the phone with a baby on the hip discussing payment arrangements to one of the many bill collectors. The phone just doesn't stop ringing because your busy. How about all the time on the computer paying bills ect...Or all the paper work sent home from school they have us read and sign everyday.

Cleaning, maid, household duties........................................................$385.00wk

I do enough laundry alone to double that price. All those dishes, made beds, vacuuming, bath tubs you scrub, and everything dirty ect...

Messenger, delivers goods, mail, documents .............................$750.00wk

I would chalk that off to all those trips to the post office, delivering forgotten homework to school, sitting in the car line, waiting for the kids at there after school activities.

Supply/distributor manager.................................................$1012 wk.

Think of all the inventory of supply you do for your household. Planning , Grocery shopping, shopping for all the family needs. ( Okay now clock out for the time you sent trying on clothes for yourself when you went shopping for the kids shoes, that doesn't count)

Pre-school teacher...................................................................................$750wk

I personally don't know any that make that per week, but that was the statistic I found.

That's for all the homework you do at home when the teacher sends home too much and all the tutoring you do because they didn't explain it enough in class. What about all those projects they have. Admit it they are really for us parents because we do most all the work. I don't even want to think of what you go through if you have high school students.


Although my list is very small I'm sure you have compiled a pretty big check by now. The sad thing is you will never see any of it. If it was a paying job I can tell you this much no one could afford us.

Even though it's 24/7 job, breaks far and few in between ,with no punch out clock, no real appreciation, at least it has good benefits. You get all the hugs you could ask for!


  1. I agree! It's a very rewarding job!!!

  2. That's so cute we sound so much alike. Maybe it was her birthday or their anniversary? I know that's when I get them.

  3. while i like the hugs and kisses...i'd like a stipend!
    love your blog!


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