Friday, June 13, 2008

Friday's Foto Finish Fiesta

Awe...The days of not having a care in the world. When the only thing on my agenda was swinging, drinking cool aid, and playing Barbie's. I would swing for hours and Daydream of what life would be like when I grow up... I'll be able to wear my own sexy lingerie outside! No one will be able to tell me I have to stop swinging and come inside, just because it's dark and I've been out here all day! If only I could go back for just one carefree moment. I'd put some barrets in that wind blown hair, give her some socks to stuff that gown, and tell her something funny (like something her future kids have done) for a smile! Here I think My kids have grown up fast. Where did my time go? I blinked and went from that swing to wrinkles, screaming kids, and bills.

Participating in Friday's Foto Finish Fiesta with Candid Carrie!


  1. Awesome reflective post! I have a nightgown just like that one and I still have to stuff mine with socks!

  2. you are such a doll. I love this post.

  3. You were so cute!!! I used to put my petticoat on the outside of my clothes because I thought it was so pretty!

  4. I miss those carefree days of innocence, too. At least I'll get to revel in the ones my daughter gets to have.

  5. Quite a cutie! Oh, the easy years!

  6. Carefree is a long lost seems kids today care about too much. Okay, maybe not at your age in the photo, but close.

    You were an adorable little darlin', too! Goldilocks in lingerie. Maybe a fantasy thing you can share with your hub...heh.

  7. so cute...
    oh, you just reminded me about the bills. Ick...let's not think about that right now.
    How 'bout that hot nightie? There has to be a story behind that one!

  8. While I never swung on a swing all day... there were many days that I would travel into the dense jungle, known as my back yard, for hours on end. Who am I fooling... I still do that. Untill my mom... er wife starts yelling at me.

  9. I love swinging, wish I never had to stop. Maybe I'll stop by the park on my way home...

  10. I never got to swing long enough either... I'm suddenly overcome with an urge to go to a park with a swingset

  11. I have a picture of myself on a swing like that, but I always wanted long hair, so I have a shirt on my head, so I could have bouncing, long brown hair.

    I just stumbled onto your blog. I love it. May I add you to my blogroll?

    Thanks for giving us a peek into your head.

  12. I'd love to go back and do it all again....

  13. I miss those carefree days. :( But life changes. :)

  14. I agree, where does our time go as kids let alone time in general. What a great pic!

  15. just stopped by to say hello.
    you were super cute!


Girls could you PLEASE give our guest some space. Take your brother and go play. Sorry,it's hectic here, what were you saying?"...

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