Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Dust bunny treasures
With the girls home I decided to do a little spring cleaning with their help. One of the things they helped me with was vacuuming under the couch. (I know... Why? No one ever looks under there anyways. Because, I have weird cleaning compulsions that's why! I'll end up working my tush off cleaning all day and in the end no one even notices. Why? Because... I'm the only one who saw it to begin with.) Regardless, today I had one of those cleaning itches, which I am so glad I did. When we flipped the couch over... Oh My Goodness! It looked as though I had some little homeless kid living under there. There were toys, crayons, candy wrappers, marbles, you name it, and all piled in with some Major dust bunnies. It's a wonder we all haven't died sitting there breathing all that in. To me it was just a filthy gross mess. I felt like I needed a breathing apperatice, just to finish cleaning. Yet, to the girls it was like Christmas morning. Here they are snatching and grabbing and digging all in it, "Oh...so that's where that went!" Madisen grabs some nasty old ChapStick that was clearly trash..."Awe...that's mine!" All I could think was Surely you aren't going to use that! After seeing them like that, I've come to the conclusion ..."Clearly, I must be OLD, cause that is something I just don't get a thrill out of anymore!"

dust bunnies,
spring cleaning,
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Funny! My bet is that you don't have carpets. I'm amazed at the dust/hair piles that collect when there's no carpet to trap it in.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if God sees me like you see your kids...snatching and grabbing at dirty leftovers, thinking it's the best thing ever when He's got bigger & better things in the wings *L*
I know the feeling, you are looking at the most disgusting pile of trash that you have ever seen and all the kids see is a playground of fast moving dust bunnies, cool candy paper, old candy, and what ever else to play with. Believe me I feel your pain, stay strong.
ReplyDeleteI made the same discoveries recently lol.
ReplyDeleteI know I've said it before...but you REALLY remind me of my own mother! the cleaning compulsions. the loss for words and the confusion when you get angry. just like her.
ReplyDeletebut I should also add, that in a sense, you are like me. I have in so many ways become my mother!
I said I never would, but I did. I'm crazy about EVERYTHING being clean...or just tidied up and put away. I like to have things organized so that I can find them when I need them.
Always entertaining!!!
Thats just nasty mannn you don't need those dust bunnies... or any of those disgusting stuff haha... chapstick.
ReplyDeleteAnyways how are your kids darling!!
Much love, Savanna
That's hilarious! I can't wait till my daughter can help me with that. She's enchanted by vacuums, so maybe soon!
ReplyDeleteWe have two long haired black pound puppies, so if you looked under our couch you'd think they had a litter and shoved 'em under there.
Want to help me clean my room? I could use the extra help... lol I'm sure your kids could find all sorts of neat junk that I never knew existed. Maybe even some kind of yet undiscovered life living under my bed...
ReplyDeleteI insist that the underbelly of our couch is vacuumed regularly too...the worst is when you flip it over and turn to plug in the vacuum only to turn back and realize your 3 year old is happily munching on some unidentifiable treat!!
ReplyDeleteI was caught last week with who knows what under my couch after a camera crew came in for the day. Yes I vacuumed but I didn't expect them to move the furniture around ... okay, yes I did, way back deep in the back of my mind but I guess chose not to vacuum or clean under the couches. Boy was I a tad embarrassed - thankfully I had 3 kids to blame :). I won't be making that mistake again.
ReplyDeleteLol, wow priceless :p
ReplyDeleteHello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the TV Digital, I hope you enjoy. The address is http://tv-digital-brasil.blogspot.com. A hug.
ReplyDeleteI hope what happened to your couch doesn't happen to my bed although I think it might already be happening.
ReplyDeleteAh...the memories, and the things to look forward to. I distinctly remember my mom reaching down my throat to excavate a very old bit of chicken nugget I had found under the couch. I think I was about two. Great fun.
ReplyDeleteDo you think 24 is too old to get thrills from finding old chapstick? I need to get my priorities straight...ooh a cookie! Sorry.
ReplyDeletelol. I really enjoy your writing style. I look forward to a lot more laughs :-)
It's exactly what I was going to do today but not you scared me. My vacuum is likely to break from all the crap down there :D
ReplyDeleteThat's too funny. Maybe you should wait a few more months turn over the couch when the kids aren't home and give the contents to them as prizes. (Just kidding, of course).
ReplyDeleteI love your blog you sound like such an awesome mom!!! Your so funny,reading your blog makes me really excited about being a mom one day! Cheers!
ReplyDeleteUnder my couch recently we found not only toys, old food wrappers along with old food itself, but we found the source of an odd odor that we could not place for some time....I lovely sippy cup with some good looking cheese growing in it. Well, at one point it was milk but who's counting? So unbelievably bad that I could barely breathe! Now to remove the stain it left...
ReplyDeleteOf course that smell doesn't compare with the rotten milk smell from an old cup I recently found in my car....I think I may post that story on my blog...
Wait til you get under the cushions. I can relate, completely!
ReplyDeleteJust dropping by. Your blog is too cute. Keep up the good work. Us moms gotta stick together.
ReplyDeleteI must admit that I'm in the minority when it comes to men with cleaning compulsions. If I notice something of the sort needs to be done, I can do nothing else until the aforementioned task is complete.
ReplyDeleteCompulsion at it's most extreme!
Unfortunately, like yourself, I never find any "hidden treasures" for myself. :)
Hilarious! I cleaned under and behind my couch last week and found a sippy cup with milk in it. Well, it was once milk...what it is now I have no idea. It was solid and smelled so bad. I then swore I would have to clean more often.
ReplyDeleteI can't wait for the girls to help me more. One runs from the vacuum, she hates the noise and usually they both end up screaming instead of helping. I suppose I could make them help already but I just haven't started. Everything is so big; long handles and hard to push vacuums. The sink is too high, the laundry to me is too dangerous for my children (not like when we were children...no carseats, no safety anything). I miss the good ol' days when I was little and we rode in the back of pickup trucks. I remember crawling over the seats of the car. I remember standing on a cinder block trying to reach the knobs on the washer to start the laundry. I can't wait for some help.
ReplyDeleteWhoah?! excitement at finding things under the sofa is no way diminished my age! Im fifteen and was almost as thilled by the christmas decoration i found between the cushions, as i was by the realisation that James McAvoy appears in Lycra in 'Wimbledon'
ReplyDeleteBoy! this brings back some memories. I had two kids in one room and of course they blamed each other for the mess. I found in one of their backpacks, an orange that had not seen light for months! I ended up throwing the whole pack out, mould and all.
ReplyDeleteI clean under my cushions and couch once a month.....with a husband who "lives" on the couch and toddler who's constantly shoving things under it, I have to. I just found your blob and LOVE what I've read so far!