Monday, April 7, 2008

Just another day in Motherhood

Have you ever had someone say something to you that just really stuck and made you think? Well, my husband did the other night. We're laying on the couch watching T.V and he pauses it and said... " You know, I don't know if you were just tired from dealing with the kids all day, Or if it's just the fact that your just used to it. But, I still can't believe how you could just stand there soaked in pee and finished talking on the phone!" 3 hours and a shower earlier... At supper I had dealt with trying to feed Jacob, who had been teething all day and refused to eat the right way. He Spit food, cried, hid his face, fought at the spoon, threw toys and spilled juice everywhere. He had food and juice all over him and all he wanted was to be held. He loves naked time, so I decided to carry him around naked. This way it would buy me a few minutes, so I could clean up the kitchen. Multi tasking here I was carrying him, talking on the phone and cleaning. At the same moment that Madisen was screaming from the bathroom " I need more paper!", Jacob decided to soak my side. So, here I stood pee running down my side puddling on the floor. Meanwhile Jason is standing there looking at me saying "And your not getting off the phone?!" This is my third child, I'm tired and I am finishing my one bit of adult conversation of the day. He will just never understand. I can't imagine how he would have reacted in my shoes, seeing how he was in sheer panic over just watching.


  1. glad to know i'm not the only one who has those days :)

  2. Civilization as we know it would cease to exist if our husbands were really in charge. I'm not into feminism, I'm not a man basher, but seriously, I read your post about changing the really bad poopy diaper in the car and thought, "If that were my husband, he would have strapped the baby into the carseat, poop and all, and driven home with all the windows down and his head sticking out so he wouldn't gag. Once he got home (this is all pure fantasy, you realize...husband, grocery shopping, with kids...never happened and never will), he would pretend he never noticed the horrific smell or the fact that poop was dripping out of the baby's socks. "Gotta run to the bathroom, hon, could you get that diaper for me?" Story of my life! My son is 16 and my daughters are 14 and 12 and pretty much have felt like a single mom in regards to the dirty work the whole time.

    Can you tell it's Monday...and I'm tired?!!! Sorry for the negativity, this blog just hit a nerve for me!!

  3. with one kid and a fulltime job and almost functioning like a single parent i know what u r talking about.the saddest thing is that,like most mothers realize over time,none of these are usually remembered or acknowledged by anybody.neither the spouse nor the kids.i realize now that all these efforts are purely ours to tac juggle/ enjoy/reminisce about.u r lucky that ur spouse cared.

  4. 'Who knows'...Typical man response. I know exactly what he would have done. Yelled , "AWE....MAN!!!DON"T JUST STAND THERE LAUGHING ....I NEED HELP!!!"

  5. Michaele...are you sure we don't have the same husband? lol

  6. Been there, done that, love it.. It gets really pissy aroud here sometimes,too- but what the heck. Its ONLY pee, and I need to empty the dishwasher, man!!!

    Men, they will just never get it. I guess that means we gotta do the job. Its worth it- eh? They grow up too fast. (the kids, the hubbys well will they ever?)

    Love your blog, sister..
    coastal nest

  7. You're the blog of note! And I'm glad they sent me to you because now I'm laughing my head off. I'm glad I got my boy and my girl in two tries, because number three might have put me over the edge. :-)


  8. I only have girls, and though it's a bit harder for them to soak me they've still managed. I'm feeling guilty for laughing at this. Just know I understand. :)

    Congrats on being included in Blogger Blogs of Note.

    Christine @ Serenity How?

  9. Poop, pee, vomit, spit-up,'s all day to day stuff. The adult conversation far outweighs the crap on my clothes :)

  10. You have inspired my next post! I used to think I belong to a rare community of Supermoms!
    Glad to know there are more like me.
    I am a working mother and realise what you mean by ALL thatr you say. I love my husband. But when it comes to parenting- I am a single mom managing work, home, school, activities...

    Congratulations for putting it so beeautifully! We could form a club of mommy power!

    Glad to have stumbled on your post

  11. LOL, and may having made 'Blogs of Note' made your day today (from the Mom of a 2- year old :)

  12. I randomly blog-hopped and found your site. It cracks me up and I'll definitely be back.

    I just had to add my two cents on the topic. My hubby freaks out if the monkies get any sort of small stain on him ~ he has to change the whole outfit immediately! I just shake my head at him. Meanwhile, he shakes his head that I can go the whole day with a small spit-up stain on my shirt or mini-monkie boogars on my shoulder without flinching. I'm not particularly fond on the goop, but I just figure (especially when they're babies or sick) "Why change? They're just going to do it again in 5 minutes." Frankly, I don't have the wardrobe to be fussy.

    We really are from different planets!

  13. I just found your blog today via Bloggers Blogs of note and I'm so glad! I just laughed so hard at the pee post. As a mommy of 3 year old twins I certainly understand the ability to just keep going no matter what craziness is happening around you and I just laugh at the looks you get (from family and others) who are just mortified that you can act like such things are just normal!
    Thanks for a great Monday afternoon laugh!

  14. Congrats on being a Blog of Note!


  15. Love your page layout!! I'm new to blogger and came across your page. How do I make mine a little more my style? E-Mail is:, or post a comment back. Like I said I'm new to this so I hope I can find your comment. ;) Meg

  16. Nice blog you have, love the design!

  17. I just came across your blog by "Blog of Note" and wanted to tell you I enjoyed reading! If my man were to see my son pee down my side, he would have died laughing at me, not ask me to get off the phone! And at this point, I think I would have laughed at myself too. :) Gotta love little boys! Great Post and I totally love your page!
    Take Care!

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  19. Totally been there. The other night at dinner I actually threw, yes threw, my biscuit at my four year old son. It's okay because it wasn't on my diet anyway.

    I love your blog.

  20. No I feel better about sitting in my slightly baby-poo stained lounge pants while I read and post. Thanks.

  21. Pee pee stains rock! My favorite is when I take a diaper off before bath time, and Penelope stands at the edge of the tub waiting to take her bath. Then whoever gives her a bath gets pee pee water all over their knees and wonders where it came from. LOL.

  22. Very well said.

    I am 12 years removed from that scene, but I have lost many a shirt to stains like that.

    Personally, the rule of grocery shopping applies here-in our house, if you're going to eat it, you have to either help buy it or help put it away.

    Similarly, I helped concieve it, so I had to pitch in across the board. Simple, no?

  23. haha that's too funny! Somethings just aren't important ;O) After all we wash, right?

  24. Hahaha! Oh, my! I don't have any children myself, but I was a long-time nanny to four children ages four and under, so I know all about this sort of stuff... : )

  25. it's amazing what moms can endure!

  26. Well,at first when my younger cousin who I was babysitting did that to me ,I was shocked.I wanted to scream ,but instead I handed the baby over to my older cousin and went to get cleaned off.It was quite the moment when that happend.At least I know that I'm not the only one.

    *The funny part is,I'm not even a mother (yet).**

  27. i don't think dad's could handle what we do! lol!!! i love your blog! it's soo pretty! i was wondering if i could save your blog to mine that way i could read yours? thanks!

  28. I landed here quite by chance this evening and I wanted to tell you it was the best blog I've been to today! I laughed and giggled because I saw myself and my silly family in each post! Made my night...thank you!

  29. ...and that is why women are women and men are men. They can't understand why we would stand there drenched in pee and we can't understand how they can spend an entire day reading the new flat screen TV manual.

  30. Been there many times. I am a father of 4 and have been covered in everything that could be generated from the little bundles of joy! Ever wonder how they can turn a little bottle of baby food to a car seat full of crap?

    It's unfortunate your husband is so weak. Does he scream at the presence of mice and dance on a chair too? Can he clean a toilet barehanded? It's Urine!

    Time for mommy to take a 2 week vacation...ALONE. He'll have a new found appreciation for your daily grind.

  31. Its that dad panic that *I* don't get!

    Okay the baby spat up on he does 24 times a day. you just deal with it, thats why there are spit up rags all over the house!

    Then he asks "Why don't you wear them on your shoulder?"

    "Well Papa, where did he just spit up on you?"

    "My crotch."

    Yeah, I'm not wearing cutesy printed flannel hazmatjumpers for the next year.


  32. BEAUTIFUL SITE, beautiful kids too. sweetest blog i've ever seen. making it better- i just discovered my aunt is pregnant, i love your blog.

    please visit mine and comment-
    thank you very much.

  33. wow... now that is a hectic house! haha i can see it on tv too as a sitcom, no offence if that was offensive. seriously i want men to get one of those pregnant belly things, have a baby doll that does everything a baby does and try to do what women do.

    i wanna see that, besides on Full House. ummm, so anyways im guessing you are over your teen years, i hope and i want you to PLEASE read my blog and answer the question that just makes me stay up till 5:00am thinking about it all day.

    Are your Teen Years better than your Twenties? (i am 16, just curious.)

  34. Seen as I don't have kids I can't really relate. But your husbands response does sound like a typical response. I guess it just in a mom's nature to not worry about it so much. You have beautiful children, and your life must be full of joy. I think I will become a common reader if I can figure out how to add this to a favorites list so I can find it again. :-)

  35. I remember those days. Now that my kids are older I actually miss it. The spit-up, pee and all! It must be a Mommy thing.

  36. Ooh, I'm glad they made you the blog of note too! This is good stuff. My number three is a little over 8 months old and I have days like that ALL the time. :) Not to mention the 9 daycare kids that come over every day. You can imagine how hectic THAT can get.

    How old are your other two? And will I ever get a full nights sleep again!?! I swear between the three of them...I don't see an end in sight. :)

    Congratulations on your noteworthy blog...I'm TOTALLY jealous.

  37. You Go Girl! I'm now doing the same thing with grandkids and it's wonderful.

  38. I envy you, really. I can't imagine myself with one child, let alone three. Your life sounds hectic, but interesting and I really enjoy reading your blog. The photos are adorable too. :)

  39. Let me tell you that it will pass. I've survived into the teens, and am still going strong with 2 boys! They're wonderful (mostly) at every age!
    Great blog - I've added it to my list of favorites. Congratulations on your new status!!

  40. Very cute blog, and so fun to read. I can totally relate. I have three boys and two girls. I love when my husband tries to get out of the dirty work and it back fires on him. for example: My family had gone out of town for the weekend and my husband and I had to take seperate cars(long story) My daughter ended up getting very sick while we were there, throwing up everywhere. So we headed home early. My husband said I'll take the boys so I don't have to deal with the throw up.(nice huh!) So I agree even though I'm preggers and the scent of puke makes me want to hurl. I prepare the car for the throw up, plasic bags and towels ect. and head out. We get home three hours later and no throw up. I was thrilled. My husband gets home a lot later than me, looking very stressed. Ends up the boys caught the bug and were throwing up the whole way home. His car was covered in it!! I tried not to smile, but he really deserved it!
    Thanks for your story, it made me laugh.

  41. Wow it just makes me realize how unready i am to be a father!!LOL

  42. Im really unfit for fatherhood..

  43. OMG! That is so funny. But so true. Men will never understand how we do it. For that matter I don't think may working moms could understand standing with pee running down you and not running for the shower! Gotta have that adult time!

    I came across your blog and now am in love! LOL You have a beautifully designed blog, and are a very good writer. I should be begging you for pointers!

  44. Huh. My husband's a full-time dad of an 11-year old and an 8-month old (both natural kids of both of us...). I got home late today, and my husband greeted me at the door with a cocktail in hand for me. "The chicken has turned to jerky on the stove and the baby has just thrown up. Welcome home!"

    And *I* have the gaul to tell the baby as I change him, "You can pee on Daddy, but you can't pee on Mommy...."

  45. This is life madam & u need to live it like that only with some ups & downs but remember it is best that you could still manage to get maximum out of it without complaining.That will definately feel u with energy. ALL D Best. mind you -LIFE GOES ON.

    Try to recall all those beautiful moments which you have spended together & make him feel the same. It will give more strength & beauty to ur relationship.

  46. This is great blog... congrats to you and your husband

  47. lovely pic up there.and the way you describe your mommy shift thats the way it exactly is.multi tasking is just the word for the thankless job but its a reward in itself isnt it?

  48. Hey lady :D Funny post you have today.. See I definetly think that's the reason I do not carry my child naked..

    Ooooh how awesom is 35 comments :D

  49. lol...I am new to your blog and I love it. It makes me feel like I am not alone. As far as your husband, he seems spoiled, maybe you should leave for a day or two alone with the kids..(not anymore than that, dont want to cause mayhem and panic).

  50. Blog of note? Congrats! Yeah, my husband would have thought I was the biggest freak on earth if he'd seen me do that or he many other mom things I've done. Sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do.

  51. Congrats on your "blog of note" status. You also made the list over at "Something Smells Funny" ( that's probably not *quite* as impressive :)

    Hang in there and keep the funny stories coming.

    Oh, and Dads: please step up, man. We're not looking good here!

  52. LOL... there are some things that only another mom would understand.

  53. hi, being a mother of 4yr old hyper active son, i knw hw it feels nurturing and bringing up kids. i found yr wonderful n interesting. gr8...!!!!

  54. its very nice please can you postm e something in my page thanksss!!!

    its cute!!!

  55. brilliant !! am sorry i couldnt stop laughing !!! just made my day .

  56. It is a very nice blog u hav got there..........


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