Friday, April 18, 2008

My Blue Day Book

Last night Madisen as usual was sitting reading a book.
Being the little comedian that she is she flips the book around and says real serious like...
"Look daddy your pictures in this book"
Showing him this picture;

After that a war was on. Only for some reason I was left out of being targeted.
(Probably because they know I could and would, use my blog as sweet revenge!)
We were all Joking around and looking at the book.
(Blue Day Book by; Bradley Greive)
I noticed an uncanny resemblance. Whoever illustrated this book snuck in our house and went through my photos, I just know it.You take a look and see if you don't think so.

Tell me this isn't Kailey watching Tv!

See...I told you! Yet no residual checks here.


  1. So funny! I have got to do that. I know that TV watching look. I have 3 of them that do that pretty much any chance they get. I should consider taping my messages to them and playing them on the TV since that's the only way they really pay attention. You have to come over to my page and check out my recent pic. You're going to die over it. So creepy.

  2. WOW! You're so right!!! Ha!! Yours are of course a lot cuter. That's so weird & funny- way too neat.

  3. Very nice. I see the resemblance in every case. The cats eyes are the best.

  4. What a neat book! I always love it when people put animal and people pictures side by side (a la President Bush and monkeys :)

    If I were the publisher, I'd give you the money!

  5. That is so hilarious. Your blog is really great. I do have to ask, how did you get such a cool background?

  6. Wow. This is fun! :) Nice post.
    Am a new mommy. I work from home and look after my little one. I can relate with you and I admire your talent.
    So feel free to visit mine as well:

    I'm in the process of sprucing it up. Would appreciate any feedback. Thanks! :)

  7. Wow, I totally see the similarities LOL. Great post. :)

  8. funny thanks for the smile! p.s. are our husbands long lost twins??

  9. your blog is so cute!
    i love it, ur a really witty writer

  10. Great giggles from you today! Thanks for sharing this. I love the comparison images! I am enjoying reading your blog.

  11. You are spot on! That's really incredible, and quite funny. =)

  12. Honestly, your blog is amazing. As a teen I send my blessings. I have two little siblings who are twins who I had to watch after for many years and I do a lot of babysitting. Of course that doesn't compare to what you are going through. How did you get that amazing lay out? I think that you should sew the author for those pictures they are the same. Lucky that your kids are still young so they can't seek revenge on the fact that you feel they resemble wild animals.
    P.S. If you want a teens perspective check out my blog

  13. That is so funny. Thanks for the laugh.

  14. very nice blog.i request you to publish it as a book..i am weighting for it..

  15. That is amazing! But where is the picture of your husband that matches the first photo??? Too funny!!

  16. That's great! I love reading your blog, it makes me feel like I am not alone in this wacky world of motherhood!

  17. Hi,
    I just came across your blog...I love it. I love the pictures, they were so funny.

    You have a great blog and can't wait to read more.


  18. Hilarious! They were right on! How long did it take you to find the matches!?!

  19. BAHAHAHHA Oh thats harsh, but so true. LOL! That's a bit scary that you have those photos.

    Blackmail ;]

    Much Love, Savanna. {Sorry I haven't been here for a while}

  20. Oh my gosh, those were so funny!


  21. hahaha ... really interesting observations have been made.


  22. this is so funny!

  23. ...very funny, great blog I like it a lot.

    Keep it up,

  24. That's so cute! Now I wanna grow up and have kids!!

  25. Ha ha...that is some funny stuff!

    Love the cat/glasses one!

  26. I love it! I laughed out loud as soon as I saw your pictures. You are a great writer.

  27. This is so funny and beautiful , I thought of doing something similar with my nephew's pics, kids and animals are so adorable.I love the one with the dog.This blog is awesome

  28. The picture were cute. It is funny how thEY look alike, except of course your childdren are a lot cuter, you know since their not animals, LOL. This is a really cool blog. I really like the way you have it set up. If you want, check out mine:

  29. I saw your blog on the recommended page, and it is so cute! I especially love the pic of your header. Just precious. My husband and I laughed out loud at the monkey picture! LOL!

  30. hahahaha!!! Those pictures are awesome!!

  31. Lol! I love your blog, so funny. Congrats!

  32. You have a fantastic blog and what looks like a beautiful family!!

    I really enjoyed reading this! =)

  33. wow! that has to be your best post ever! super funny your kids more every day! what about 'show and compare' pics of you and hubby??!! lol!!

  34. Hi! Yours is an amazing blog! Motherhood is something I crave for but at the same time am terrified of! You make it seem like fun!I should come back here more often!

  35. Hi,
    Too cute. But then, kids are real pets, anyway, aren't they?

  36. is so cute... hmmm... please visit my site thank you in advance

  37. the pics are so cute and i know what your going on about with the tv my younger cousin is the same!! ive recently started a blog you should have a look and tell me what you think.

  38. hi, great blog. i totally agree (with the other hundred comments here) that they do look alike! your kids are better looking though! ;)
    by the way - how do u get so many ppl to read your blog? and the did u do it?
    i'm a newbie (blogger, not mother), so wld appreciate the tips.
    (u can check mine out -

    cheers, hyma.

  39. Wow.
    that's too funny!

  40. That was THE very best I have ever see! You have a great insight! Love your blog and your pictures! Keep up the good work!!

  41. The pictures are so cute, and very well thought out. I always enjoy my visits to your journal-blog of the comings and goings of your little family.

  42. Sorry for all the comments, thought my internet was acting up or something, just now saw you view them first. Pick out the one you like best;) LOL A senior moment:)

  43. ROFL, too funny! Thanks for sharing!

  44. This is so fun :) I love the Blue Day Book! Great post! Have a wonderful week!

  45. great post. The pictures are funny. The last time I made a comment I forgot to leave my blog address

  46. I love the Blue Day book! The fact that your family fits it so perfectly is hillarious! Thanks for making me laugh today!

    Oh, I've commented a couple of times, but forgot to let you know: feel free to visit my family page, too, at

  47. These are amazing picture comparisons!


Girls could you PLEASE give our guest some space. Take your brother and go play. Sorry,it's hectic here, what were you saying?"...

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