Wednesday, March 26, 2008


  1. Love the video...

    I have not ventured into adding video yet... may have to try it :)

    I also love on your profile where you said you are a "do it all" mom. That is so true. I too have two girls and one boy. But mine are all grown. It happens fast - so enjoy the journey.

    Happy WW!

  2. i love it! i was smiling the whole time & a li'l tearful in the end. she reminds me of my niece whom i miss so much. she lives 11,000 miles away.

    thanks for sharing

  3. lol how cute! I like how she does the little running man dance! cute!

  4. Awwww.... Isn't she cute!

  5. I used to have that same entertainment center! It's heavy as anything and we broke it when trying to move it and lift it by the top lip.

  6. I just realized it's a video, duh! Girl's got some rhythm!!!!

  7. Aww, your daughter is so cute!

    Thanks for stopping by yesterday! :)

  8. Loved the expressions *L* she was really workin' it wasn't she?

  9. I just stumbled across your site and loved it! I'll be returning.

    This is the cutest video ever.

  10. Cute and entertaining!


Girls could you PLEASE give our guest some space. Take your brother and go play. Sorry,it's hectic here, what were you saying?"...

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