Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Child Care Ad


Open to all positions on a needed basis, when told. Charges are based on what change mom has extra at the time. All fees are due at the end of services. Some charity work is available, if needed. (Based on the desperate need of the individual) Care taker is not responsible for unattended children due to any distractions pertaining to computer access or television. (unexpected lack of interest subject to change at any given moment) little sister backup is free and included with all duties. Care takers have 12 Months of baby experience, and head position has 7 years experience with bossing and applied controlling skills. All poopy diapers are not included. Due to overwhelming use of service, you may need to make numerous calls for attention.


  1. I really enjoy reading your blog. You crack me up! lol This is just too funny. :)

  2. I'd give her a try. I hope when she starts her babysitting business you plan to charge her for the advance advertising.

  3. Have to show this to my son, he swears I make him "babysit" for his sister all the time.

  4. Hahaha...that is too funny! Ahhh, the joys of being the big sister...

  5. Sign Me UP!

    Found my way here through Carrie and thought I'd say "hi"!

  6. How far will she travel??

    Too funny.

  7. Funny Stuff... That was me back in the day. It lasted up thru when I left my parents house! Ahhh the memories!


Girls could you PLEASE give our guest some space. Take your brother and go play. Sorry,it's hectic here, what were you saying?"...

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