Thursday, May 22, 2008

Tick Tock you don't stop

You know, If I picked up a hitch hiker I'm pretty sure I would know. The fact that you have someone else riding along with you is the first clue, and without a doubt wouldn't be unnoticed. You don't just go along and all of a sudden say "What the heck! Who are you and where did you come from?" It looks to me like, at some point and time you have to stop for them right? Well in this neck of the woods, that doesn't seem to be the case. You can just be minding your own business and Bam!.."Hello new friend!" It seems most of the time they are ugly, disease ridden, creepy buggers. Some stink and are so dirty, probably from getting around so much. You see them and automatically think "Ewe where did you come from!" I hate seeing them all around and this time of the year it's like they come crawling out of the woodwork. Where do they all come from? I'll tell you most of them come from my moms backyard. She is just over populated with them laying around. You go over and the next thing you know they are hanging on to your pant leg, it's so disgusting. Somehow every time we go over one ends up sneaking home with one of the girls. The school playground is just as bad. Everyday Mady comes home telling me about the buggers bothering her friends. Today at school the teacher happen to find one (a Tick!!!!) setting up home in my baby's Kailey's head. With her having gobs of hair it's clear he had plenty to grab onto, and likely be over looked. (which still didn't make me feel any better about it) Never the less a little alcohol (for the tick! Not me) and he finally let go, for a nice swim down the poop pipe. So, now were left to sit and stress up to 21 days to see if she gets sick! We are just so loving our summer friends, Not!


  1. Ha ha..What an awesome post. It wasn't until you had to spell it out for me in the 5th sentence from bottom that it WAS a tick. I was like, how DON'T you know you have a hitch hiker. Great writing, you crack me up with your metaphors.

  2. okay- for second there I was going to ask where your mom lives....then I got the 'tick' part.

    A little alcohol for mom doesn't suck either....

    ps- thanks for stopping by, I am honored

  3. Oh, I HATE These little buggers too! We never had a problemw ith them until last year - we got a dog! One in my baby's ear - I FREAKED OUT!!!!!! One sucking my son's skull! they attack the dog all the time, even iwth the special collars. We spray weed kill all along our property lin e- I'm waiting for the city to sue us!

  4. I thought you were talking about hitch hikers until I got to the part where on came home in your daughters hair.:) What in the world is your daughter doing coming home with a hitch hiker in her hair? Doesn't she know not to talk to strangers? Have a great weekend and ignore the mess it will be there on Monday awaiting your attention, and again Tuesday and so forth.

  5. Good thing they found it! What is the 21 days wait for?

  6. Oh man. I've never had a tick but for some reason, I feel like this will be the year for one. I've got this weird tick paranoia suddenly. It gives me the heebie geebies!

  7. We have mountains of ticks as well. My Doctor suggested we try these things called bug bands that you put on your wrist, ankle, and belt loop. She said she started using them on her children and it works tons better than deet bugspray, isn't harmful to your children, doesn't have the smell, and are reusable. You can find them on the internet. I hope it works for you.

  8. Ugh I hate ticks! It seems they are everywhere. With the dogs going outside all the time it is a horrible battle. Hope she doesn't get sick.

  9. Oh No, ticks are no good. Hopefully she will be fine.

  10. You've been tagged. Come over to my site and see what it's all about. Do it again for me, will ya?

  11. Ticks are no fun. Try digging for them on a black cocker. She got them so bad last year, and the ones I didn't find decided to lay eggs under her crate and that summer they hatched. It took me a month to get rid of them all. Deft. creeped me out!

  12. SabrinaT~ They can take Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever or Limes disease up to 21 days after the bite.
    After 21 days if no signs or symptoms they are in the clear!

  13. ::shudder:: I'm glad we don't really have those out here.

  14. I feel for you, I hate ticks too. I remember when my little darlin's came home from school with lice. What a fun time that was. And they call those the good old days!! I think not! ;)

  15. OMG. I am going to start checking Sweet Pea every day. Thanks for posting this...I've read a bunch of people saying this lately. Yuck. Another thing to worry about.


Girls could you PLEASE give our guest some space. Take your brother and go play. Sorry,it's hectic here, what were you saying?"...

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